Affiliation No.: 530563
School Code: 40548
Advisor Message

"Failures are the pillars of success, only when we learn from them."

There are certain rules and regulations for the smooth and successful functioning of any family, organization or society. If followed honestly, the aim can be achieved easily. The prospectus is a mirror to the school. All students and parents should go through this Information Brochure carefully and if they have any suggestion, do make the Principal aware of it. Your precious suggestions will be given higher priority and weightage. Students and parents are main link in the school system whose role can't be ignored.The balanced development of the students is a collective aim that can be achieved by integrated efforts of all of us.

It's my sincere advice to the students to be active and vigilant. Student life is a golden period in which every effort to know, to learn, to become should be done. The age of 5 to 25 years is the best period to develop life skills. No one should escape himself/herself to avail this opportunity. "To understand, to create and to become" depends upon your own efforts and dedication. The teachers and parents are only the light house to guide you on the right path but it's up to you how to change the direction. If you don't encash your time and energy in a constructive way, you will have to repent in future. So utilize your time and have a successful life.

Late Sh. Kishori Lal Gupta Ji

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